We are still offering in-office visits to clients that would like to meet with their counselor in person. Due to the fact that we are meeting with clients on a one-on-one basis (CDC recommends no more than 10 people), sanitizing the office space and maintaining the recommended 6 foot distance between client and counselor throughout the session, we feel confident that we are able to provide a safe and sanitary environment for our clients to attend counseling at our offices.
Here are some of the procedures that we have implemented at our offices to keep you safe:
1. Hand sanitizer will be available for clients to use in each therapy office at all locations, and in communal areas in the building (at the entrance to the building, outside the bathrooms, and in the 205 suite at the Naperville location).
2. All frequently touched surfaces and door handles in our therapy offices will be cleaned with disinfecting wipes or spray between sessions and at the end of each day.
3. We are asking clients and counselors to not shake hands or to give hugs (a simple wave and a smile will work!)
4. We are encouraging clients to not cluster in the waiting area. You have the option to wait in the lobby, hallway or in your car to avoid exposure to other clients.
5. Seating in all our therapy rooms has been arranged for appropriate physical distancing.
6. We will be wearing a mask in all public areas of the office. Illinois law requires that as an essential business we must “wear face coverings where maintaining a six-foot social distance is not possible at all times.” Due to the fact that we are able to safely maintain a six-foot social in the therapy room we are not requiring a face covering be worn during the session. However, this will be left at the discretion of both you and your counselor (each counselor and client has their own risk tolerance and comfort level). We encourage you to speak with your counselor to decide if either you, your counselor, or both wish to wear a face covering during the session.
5. We are asking clients and counselors to stay home if they are symptomatic (cough, runny nose, fever, body aches etc.) and/or have been exposed to someone who is symptomatic within the last 7 days.
6. We will respectfully ask any client to reschedule their session if they show up to the office symptomatic.
With the increased anxiety and stress that COVID-19 brings, it is more important than ever to get the emotional support you need. We are here to make it as easy as possible to get the mental health services you need during these challenging times.