“Mandy Semenik was able to help me when others weren’t. I found myself in a bad work environment with horrific hours. I wasn’t able to do the things I liked to do, or spend time with anyone because my work schedule was so bad. It really started to affect me. What made things worse was a lingering leg injury that wouldn’t heal. I found myself always alone because my schedule conflicted with everyone I knew. I was not able to participate in any of my sports or activities because of my leg always hurting, and I was gaining weight because eating was the only thing I could enjoy. The solitude, and loss of all of my outlets became too much to bare and I knew I needed to talk to someone and get help. I tried many different friends and counselors. The friends weren’t often available and didn’t know how to help. The other professionals I went to seemed more content to just listen and collect money than to help me deal with my issues. Mandy genuinely cared and empathized with my pain. She helped me prioritize what was most important to me and helped me develop effective plans to address my demoralizing issues. After a few sessions with Mandy I was able to implement new perspective and strategies to my life. I was able to correlate better decisions with my clearer priorities and set my life in a new direction. My confidence began to return, giving me the courage to pursue a better employment fit in these scary economic times. I’ve successfully transferred into a better state of existence, along with a better attitude, as I still deal with my leg injury. Thanks to Mandy, I am able to look forward to life again and now know how to make things better for myself.”